Moo News

September Moo News 2024

The official end of summer approaches with the corn harvest beginning this week. Our Home Delivery team (& our cows) can’t wait for a return to the cooler days of fall!

Summoning Fall Feels

NEW Maple Syrup Creamer

Welcome the tastes of fall with delightfully cozy Maple Coffee Creamer! Our NEW sweet and creamy maple syrup flavored creamer goes great in a cup of iced or hot coffee, added to smoothies, or on top of oatmeal (mmMMMmm).

Farm Happenings

All Hands on Deck for Harvest

This week our team began harvesting corn used to feed our dairy cows.


Hearty Harvest Recipe

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup

(1) Large butternut squash, peeled, seeded, & cubed
(1) Large onion, chopped
(2) Cloves garlic, minced
(4) Cups vegetable broth
(1) Cup heavy cream
(1) Teaspoon ground cinnamon
(1/2) Teaspoon ground nutmeg
Salt and pepper to preference

  • Butternut squash: High in Vitamins A and C, more potassium than a banana, and a healthy dose of calcium too, butternut squash is Falls’ super star veggie. Substitute with any winter squash like delicata, hubbard, buttercup or acorn squash.
  • Vegetable broth: There’s no need for chicken broth when it’s so easy to make homemade veggie broth. I keep it in the freezer so it’s conveniently available for making soup and lets me control the ingredients. If you buy already made vegetable stock, be sure to read the label. Avoid brands that use heavily processed oils or too much added sodium.
  • Garlic: The roasted garlic is really what makes this butternut squash soup better than all other recipes.
    Onion: Another great flavor builder. Saute in vegetable broth to release their natural sugars, allowing them to soften and caramelize.
  • Fresh Rosemary: Fresh sage thyme or oregano would also be good options for this savory squash soup.

Step 1: Cut through the stem all the way down vertically so you have two halves. If the bottom of your butternut isn’t flat, cut off a very small sliver to it will sit flat on your cutting board without wobbling.
Butternut squash halved lengthwise, flesh side up on a cutting board.

Step 2: Push down on the knife until squash is in two equal halves. A sharp chef’s knife and wooden board will make this task so much easier.

Butternut squash, halved, seeds scooped out and now being peeled by a “Y” vegetable peeler.

Step 3: Scoop out the seed cavity. I use a grapefruit spoon, which grabs the seeds and all the stringy mess. Then turn each half cut side down. Use a vegetable peeler to peel both halves.
Peeled and halved butternut squash. Long ½” strips are cut and then cut the other way for cubes.

Step 4: Cut into ½″ vertical strips. Then, cut across to make ½″ cubes.
How to make Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
Cubes of butternut squash with cloves of garlic and fresh rosemary on a large rimmed baking tray.

Step 1: Place the squash cubes, garlic cloves (with their skins still on) and fresh herbs onto a large rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
A fork piercing a cube of roasted squash on a large rimmed baking sheet.

Step 2: Roast in preheated 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes. Squash is done when easily pierced with a fork.

Pumpkin seeds in a single layer in a cast iron skillet.

Step 3: While waiting for the squash to roast, make some toasted and spiced pumpkin seeds. First place pumpkin seeds into dry heavy skillet that’s been heating over medium-high heat. Shake the pan so they don’t burn, and don’t be alarmed if the pumpkin seeds start to pop.
Toasted pumpkin seeds in a cast iron skillet with spices sprinkled onto the center.

Step 4: When pumpkin seeds are roasted, turn off the heat. Drizzle on the 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil and then sprinkle with spices. Mix until all seeds are well coated with spice mixture and set aside.

Diced onions in a dutch oven with a wooden spoon.

Step 5: Heat large pot or dutch oven over medium heat, swirl in 1 Tablespoon vegetable broth. Add diced onions and saute until translucent. If pan becomes dry, add another 1-2 Tablespoons broth.
Roasted butternut squash cubes, with garlic and onions in a dutch oven.

Step 6: Add roasted squash cubes to soup pot. Squeeze the pulp from the garlic skins into the pot too. Stir well. It’s ok to include any of the rosemary leaves into the pot, but discard the woody stems.

Check out my easy vegetable broth recipe for tips on storing so it’s always conveniently available when you need it.
Butternut squash soup with cubes of stock floating in dutch oven with roasted veggies.

Step 7: Cover with 6 cups vegetable broth and cook. It’s OK to add broth straight from the freezer, it will melt quickly in the hot pot.
Butternut squash soup in a dutch oven, chunks of squash and onions floating in orange broth in a dutch oven.

Step 8: Cook for 10 minutes and then turn off the heat.

Beautiful orange pureed soup with an immersion blender in a dutch oven.

Step 9: Puree unti la creamy butternut squash soup emerges. I think the best way is to use an immersion blender . You can also transfer in batches to regular blender or food processor to puree and then transfer back to the pot. If the soup is too thick, use up one extra cup of broth to thin it out.
A ladle of butternut squash soup with toasted pepitas hovering over an entire pot of the creamy orange soup.

Serve warm, garnish with fresh herbs and roasted pumpkin seeds. Swirl in a dollop of vegan sour cream if desired.

Full Recipe


Halloween Tours Now OPEN

October 18th – 30th we go from MOO to BOO!