Dairy Go 'Round
Bottling Plant
Home Delivery
Where is Morning Fresh Dairy Farm?
- We are your neighbors! Our dairy has been located in the small town of Bellvue, Colorado for over 100 years. Our farm is nestled in Pleasant Valley, a narrow valley located between Rist Canyon and Poudre Canyon, just northwest of Fort Collins. Our family farm is surrounded by foothills and borders the Poudre River.
Are you an organic farm?
- No, we are an all natural farm.
What is the difference between organic and all natural?
- Fort Collins’ climate is classified as a semi-arid. In Fort Collins, and overall in Colorado, the seasons and lack of rain cannot support the pasture requirements for an organic dairy. Our cows are out to pasture as much as possible but not the full 120 days required for an organic dairy. We built the cows’ new barn in 2015 with dropping side panels, sand bedding, fans and heat plates so we can keep the cows comfortable in any weather condition.
- Drinking milk from Morning Fresh Dairy minimizes food miles. We grow our crops, feed our cows, and bottle our milk all in one location. This means that you are minimizing the miles driven and energy used to produce your milk. We don’t use any preservatives because we are able to get our milk from moo to you in 24 hours or less.
- While we do not use 100% organic feed for our cows, we do raise many of the crops used to feed our cows on our fields at the dairy.
- Organic standards do not allow for the use of antibiotics. At Morning Fresh Dairy we do not give our cows any preventative antibiotics, but we do use antibiotics if a cow is sick. We do not believe in destroying a sick animal that could be effectively treated with antibiotics. However, any animal being treated with antibiotics is pulled from production during treatment and placed into our hospital barn. Their milk is not consumed during treatment.
- We’re very proud that our milk is all natural- free of preservatives, hormones, and anything artificial.
What makes Morning Fresh Dairy BETTER?
- Your milk is guaranteed fresh, all natural, and free of preservatives from our herd only. We never outsource, so you know exactly where your milk is coming from.
- As opposed to delivering in the middle of the night, we choose to deliver in the afternoon and evenings. We believe this is more convenient for you. We don’t want our milkmen startling anybody, waking you, the kids, or dogs in the middle of the night. We’re all about freshness and we have found that many of our customers are home during the day, allowing them to bring in their milk faster to the refrigerator.
- We strive to be sustainable, efficient, and are always trying to improve our carbon footprint. We bottle our milk in glass bottles, which are reused up to 30+ times each. This is a much more sustainable option than using single-use plastic. We’ve implemented many eco-friendly practices and programs and strive to care for our cows, environment, and community the best we can.
How long does Morning Fresh Dairy milk last? / Why does Morning Fresh Dairy milk not last as long?
- About ten days from the bottling date. Our milk does not last as long as grocery store milk because we flash-pasteurize instead of ultra-pasteurize, giving us milk that has a lot of natural benefits and good bugs for your gut health. It’s also great milk for cheese and yoghurt making.
Where does Morning Fresh deliver?
- Many happy families receive Morning Fresh Dairy milk and local products in and around Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Bellvue, Laporte, Wellington, Windsor, Timnath, Ault, Severance, Eaton, Johnstown, Millikin, and Berthoud.
Who owns Morning Fresh Dairy Farm?
- The Graves Family have owned and operated the business since 1894. First named “Graves Dairy,” Rob and Lori renamed the delivery service to “Morning Fresh Dairy” to represent exactly how fresh our milk is – moo to you in 24 hours!
How many Home Delivery customers do we have currently?
- Around 7K happy and healthy customers, not including our wholesale customers from Wellington into Denver (cafes, restaurants, and stores)
How many employees does Morning Fresh Dairy have? Delivery Drivers?
- About 50-75 employees, including about 14 retail drivers and about 8 wholesale drivers.
Is the Howling Cow Café a part of Morning Fresh Dairy?
- Yes and no. They do go hand in hand and are owned and operated by the same family with help from locals. They are considered separate businesses. The reason for the café opening was to be a ‘storefront’ for Morning Fresh Dairy Home Delivery. The idea to have light fare and coffee came later and now they are a full business on their own and doing very well as a café/store.
How many employees does Howling Cow Café have?
- About 8-15 baristas depending on the Summer and Winter seasons. Brooke is the current cafe manager, and Lori Graves (Owner) started the café and helps operate the backside of the business (marketing, payroll, HR, etc.)
What are Morning Fresh Dairy’s slogans?
- Moo to you in 24 Hours!
- Get the Farmer’s Market delivered to your doorstep!
- All-Natural; Taste Delicious!
Can I get Morning Fresh Dairy milk in stores?
- Yes! Find our milk at Sprouts and Wholefoods from here to Denver. Many other local stores also sell our milk and/or flavored milk including- Heritage Market, Food Co-op, Lucky’s Market, Alfalfa Market, Lulu’s Farm, Tony’s Markets, Wheatridge Poultry and Meats, Farmhouse Market, and more!
- Find a retail location near you!
Do restaurants use Morning Fresh Dairy milk?
- Well, yes! Various coffee shops and restaurants have been using our milk for years. Often, people drink our milk without even knowing where it comes from.
- Coffee shops from Human Bean locations in Northern Colorado to Box Car in Denver use our milk. Others include- Little Bird Bakeshop, Gib’s Bagels, Crema Coffee House, Cuppy’s Coffee, Dazbog locations, and many more.
- Restaurants such as Charco Broiler, Canino’s Italian, Ginger and Baker, Buff Restaurant, CooperSmith’s, Egg-N-More, The Kitchen, Lucky Joes, etc. use our milk as well.
What is Caps4Cash?
- Caps4Cash is a Morning Fresh Dairy program where schools can earn cash by collecting caps from Morning Fresh Dairy glass bottles. Each cap can be redeemed for 5¢ and spent any way the school would like!
- How to take part in the Caps4Cash Program:
- Drink your milk
- Save your bottle caps
- Collect caps from family and friends
- Bring the caps to school
- Drop them in a collection box if available; the school may have a Caps4Cash coordinator who will redeem the caps as needed
- Home Delivery customers can easily save their own caps, count, and redeem them through Home Delivery. They can choose a school and submit the cap redemption online at the link below for proper tracking.
- Learn more about Caps4Cash here!
- How to take part in the Caps4Cash Program:
What is NMDP (previously Be The Match)?
All started here at the dairy with a story of the love for a child:
- When their 10-year-old daughter Laura was diagnosed with Leukemia, Robert Graves (D.V.M.), and his wife Sherry were ready to do anything they could to save her. Desperate to save her life, they turned to alternative treatment options. They agreed to try the first ever bone marrow transplant for a Leukemia patient from an unrelated donor.
- Laura received her transplant in 1979, and it worked. The success of the treatment inspired the Graves to give other families the same hope for a cure. Thanks to Dr. Graves, families, doctors, congressional support and funding from the U.S. Navy all contributed to the establishment of a national registry of volunteers willing to donate bone marrow.
Our first 10,000 blood donors step forward
- Many people wondered who would step forward to donate marrow. Within the first year the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (as it was called then) was established, an astonishing 10,000 people answered the call. We conducted our first transplant as the National Marrow Donor Program® in 1987 when Diane Walters of Wisconsin donated marrow to 6-year-old Brooke Ward of North Carolina. It wasn’t long before the program took off worldwide from a tiny office at the American Red Cross in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Does Morning Fresh Dairy run events?
- Yes, as long as the county allows us to. We run annual events including our Easter Egg-Stravaganza, Moo-nster Match, and Very Dairy Christmas Events.
- We also host/attend small events, festivals, farmers markets, birthday parties, wholesale partnership events, etc.
Do Morning Fresh Dairy host events?
- Yes! Our private room and outdoor patio can be reserved for birthdays, gatherings, meetings, and private parties. See our Tours & Events page for more information.
When was the school built?
- 1879
How long did Pleasant Valley School #7 serve the public?
- From 1879-1913
When did the schoolhouse shut down and stop serving the public? & Why?
- In 1913, the one-room schoolhouse was closed to the public due to Theodore Roosevelt’s Consolidation Movement. This was the same year that Charlie graduated from CLP High School. All the kids had to travel via horse and wagon to CLP Elementary and High School.
Is anything in the schoolhouse original?
- The single middle window on the left when first walking into the schoolhouse contains an original window pane, seen by the subtle wave in the glass. The sandstone on the outside of the building is also original, as well as the window frames.
Was the schoolhouse serving the public when the Graves moved here?
- Yes, Charlie Graves attended school here for a few years!
Is the schoolhouse haunted?
- Nope, no one has passed in this building. Though some customers claim they have seen a spirit while being inside the school. How true that is, I guess is up to you!
What was the schoolhouse used for after closing for public use?
- A family with two parents and five children lived here while working around the dairy farm. After being used for a schoolhouse, the Graves allowed staff to live here so they could be close to work. The schoolhouse was sectioned by rooms while used as a living space.
Who rehabilitated the schoolhouse back into a one-room school house?
- Noosa and Morning Fresh Dairy did together. Noosa wanted to help contribute to give back to the Graves for sharing their land. Both businesses wanted the schoolhouse to be used for educational purposes for visitors and tourists.
Is noosa gluten-free?
- Yes! All noosa yoghurts are gluten-free with the exception of the Salted Caramel Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, and Lemon Tart flavors. All other flavors are certified gluten-free
Are there any nuts in noosa yoghurts?
- The noosa mate flavors that contain these allergens will be clearly marked as required by the food and drug administration. noosa mate flavors that contain nuts are: Banana Chocolate Peanut, Coconut Almond Chocolate, Coffee Chocolate Almond, Lemon Tart and Salted Caramel Chocolate.
Is noosa made with only whole milk?
- Yes, making it pure creamy deliciousness
Can we tour noosa’s indoor facilities? / Why can’t we go inside of noosa?
- No, noosa is not set up for tours or any guests for that matter. Their staff has to follow HAACP guidlines and must wear their hair up with blue hair covers and wear shoe covers. We like to call noosa Staff our “noosa-loompas”
- Yoghurt culture is also protected- how do we know who works for Chobani or Yoplait and who doesn’t? (Yoghurt spies!) noosa really likes to keep their culture and recipe clean, safe and sound.
Does Koel still own noosa? / Who owns noosa?
- Koel has retired from noosa and sold most of her shares to Sovos Brands. Rob Graves owns a large share and his wife Lori and Children all own a small share as well!
Are Morning Fresh Dairy and noosa jointed?
- No, they are two separate businesses. They are simply partners on the same land- noosa gets milk from us for yoghurt and we get yoghurt from them for our Home Delivery service.
- Morning Fresh Dairy is solely owned by the Graves whereas noosa is owned by the Graves and Sovos Brands.
Where does noosa get their milk from?
- They started getting all their milk from Morning Fresh Dairy, until they grew and started to deliver yoghurt to all 50 states. Morning Fresh Dairy had to draw the line somewhere as they did not want to abuse their land or let down any of their Home Delivery customers. Morning Fresh continues to provide them with a third of the milk they would need to make their yoghurt. All other milk is locally sourced in a 40-mile radius around the dairy here.
How do they get their milk from Morning Fresh Dairy?
- Morning Fresh Dairy has a pipeline to noosa right on the farm. We’re always keeping milk fresh around here!
Does noosa yoghurt contain any GMOs?
- noosa is happy to share that all noosa products have been third-party tested and certified gmo free. Additionally, our milk comes from cows that are never treated with rbgh.
- We are proud of the fresh, locally sourced, high quality and all natural ingredients that go into making noosa yoghurt so good. But, noosa yoghurt is not organic. While all ingredients used by noosa are gmo free, we cannot guarantee that all of the feed for our dairy cows is completely gmo free.
- Also, our all natural honey is produced following best practices, however it is impossible to know the certification of the various flowers and plants each bee has visited.
- Our mission is to create the finest, best-tasting yoghurt in the world, and we source our ingredients with great care. We believe that you can taste the difference in each bite of delicious noosa yoghurt.
Why does noosa spell yoghurt with an “H”?
- They spell yoghurt as the Aussies do! But don’t worry, whe whon’t gho addhing h’s where they dhon’t belhong.
When did noosa start? When did they expand?
- They started making yoghurt and attending Farmers Markets in 2010. They expanded three times by 2014 when they began distribution to all 50 states.
Is all noosa made here in Colorado?
- Yes! And we aim to keep it that way.
How many employees does noosa employ?
- Around 100
Dairy Go 'Round
Do you use A.I.? What does it stand for?
- Yes, we do, and it is effective and safe for the cows. We produce 99.9% of females this way. A.I. allows us to choose genetics with our cows as well as select the gender.
- A.I. stands for Artificial Insemination
What are the markings on the cows’ backside?
- These various markings are made with ‘livestock chalk’ which is washable. Our Vet Team, Dairy Care Team and Breeding Team use this to keep clear communication between each other during each week.
What are the stickers on the cows’ backside?
- These stickers are another way our teams communicate. The stickers rub off without harming the cows.
Do cows get to pasture?
- Yes, during the warm summer days and whenever we can allow them to.
- They have 24-hour access to sunshine and plenty of space year-round. They also have heated sand-beds for staying warm in the Winter months.
- Our cow herds are small enough so that they are NEVER overcrowded. The only time they crowd each other is when they want to be milked!
Why do you claim to have “happy cows”? What is a dry period or dry phase for a cow?
- Our cows receive a great deal of attention and care. They have heated sand beds, large play pens, salt blocks to lick, and 24-hour access to food except when milking. They get seasonal pasture time in the summer and access to grasslands, and 24-hour access to their buddies and friends!
- We give our cows a three-month break from milking. This time allows them to play with their buddies and chill for a while each year. This is called their ‘dry phase’ as it is important to allow the cows to focus on resting, relaxation, and ‘drying out’. This dry phrase helps keep their future milk production healthy and clean. We often allow our cows to pasture around the Poudre River during this time.
- We often rotate our herd around the farm for cleaning purposes and to give cows a new environment and scenery.
- Cows stay in herd sizes of 50-100 cows. Any bigger than that, and they get stressed out. We rotate each herd based on where they are at in their milking cycle, so each cow gets a chance to take a ‘dry out period’ every single year.
Does all your milk come from only your cows?
- Yes! Every last drop. All heifers and cows are Morning Fresh Dairy born and raised. This ensures our dairy cow family is raised stress-free, all natural, and treated well their entire lives. We believe happier cows make the most delicious milk, and we strive to have the happiest cows in Colorado!
What is so special about the milking parlour or dairy-go-round?
- Built in 2015, our cows started milking in a rotary parlour. In this new parlour, cows look at each other while being milked- making them feel comfortable and safe. The rotary moves very slow which provides a comfortable environment for the cows. Each cow knows when to get on and off of the rotary without assistance. The milk machines are very consistent which is ideal for cows who love predictable routines. It’s actually very clear cows love being milked. Some cows sneak onto the rotary and try to get another ride; and it’s no surprise to see a cow pushing their way back onto the parlour. Cows also have full control and can remove their milking apparatus for any reason if needed. They can kick it off and usually know better than we do when they are done milking.
How much milk do we get from each cow per day?
- We get around 10 gallons from each cow every day
How much milk do we get in a day?
- With a total milking herd maintained around 1300, we get about 13,000 gallons of milk every day (give or take)
How many cows do you have?
- Our total herd size is around 2400 (cows, males, calves, and heifers) with a milking herd of around 1300 cows.
How are cows housed here at the dairy?
- In free-stall flush barns. The cows always have access to sand beds, food, water, and corrals. The flush part refers to how we wash our barns. We rinse the manure away and then reuse that manure as fertilizer.
How often are cows fed?
- A buffet of food four times per day in their free-stall barns. Our cows are practically free fed.
Are your barns temperature controlled for cows during cold and hot times?
- Yes! The barns have heated sand beds for Winter and many cooling fans for the Summer. The heat plates do not get too hot, but warm enough to keep the barns at the perfect temperature during Winter months for both the cows and our staff. Our barns also have sliding doors that can open and close depending on the weather. Our cows are spoiled, and we like to keep it that way; they work hard and deserve it!
What all do you feed your cows? Are the cows grass-fed?
- They are grass-fed on the seasonal pastureland during summer months and during their dry phase. They’re fed a mixture of alfalfa hay, corn flakes, corn silage, cottonseed, soybean meal, and other minerals grown on our farm or sourced locally. We believe cows should eat a variety of foods, similar to what their diet would be in the wild.
Are cows fed any kind of growth hormones? (rBGH/rBST?)
- Absolutely none! We avoid giving them any hormones ever.
Bottling Plant

What temperature is milk after milking?
- 100-105 degrees! After the milking process, the milk is put into cooling tanks to lower the temperature down below 40 degrees.
In what order does our milk production happen? (In a giant circle!)
- Milking > Cooling > Testing > Separation > Flavoring/Mixing > Pasteurization (Up to 164-168 degrees) > Homogenization > Rapid cooling > Bottle filling > Your door/milk box > Bottle Washing > and back to milking!
What does the separator do?
- The separator separates cream (fat) from the milk.
What are all the flavored milks you have ever offered?
- We always have Chocolate and Root Beer milk year-round. Available seasonally, we have Eggnog, Strawberry, Chocolate Mint, Milkacchino, Loopy, Blueberry, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Moo-nster (Cookies and Cream), and Golden milk. We are always testing new flavors as well!
Why does Morning Fresh add Vitamins A and D to milk?
- Vitamin A: We are required by law to fortify our fat-free and reduced-fat milk products with Vitamin A. This is because the precursor to Vitamin A is lost when fat is removed. We fortify all our milks with Vitamin A to ensure adequate nutrition. Please refer to the ingredient label (on our website or gallon containers) for details.
- Vitamin D: All our milk is fortified with Vitamin D. The National Health Office of Dietary Supplements recommends an intake of 600 IUS per day of Vitamin D for adults. The Vitamin D naturally occuring in milk is simply not enough. Please refer to the ingredient label (on our website or gallon containers) for details.
How is cream made? Half and Half? Whole Milk? Skim Milk? Chocolate and Root Beer Milk?
- Our yummy cream is made using the separator. The separator will push cream into the mixer and the remainder (skim milk) wil get pushed into the skim tank.
- Half and Half is half cream and half skim milk.
- Whole milk comes straight from the cow and avoids the separation process; however, it does get homogenized to mix up the milk particles.
- Chocolate Milk (made with chocolate powder) and Root Beer Milk (made with Root Beer syrup from local restaurant Cooper Smiths) get mixed in our mixer with Whole milk prior to the flash-pasteurization process.
What is Cream Top Milk? How is it different from whole milk?
- Cream Top is non-homogenized milk. This allows for the cream to form at the top of the milk, leaving a thick layer to scoop onto coffee, and make cheese or yoghurt with. Whole milk is cream top but with the fat/cream content mixed throughout.
- If you get cream top and want it to be more like whole milk, simply shake your bottle before pouring.
- Many people prefer our non-homogenized milk because it is even more “natural” than our homogenized milk. Cream top is our safe version of raw milk.
What is the difference between Flash Pasteurization and Ultra Pasteurization?
- Ultra-pasteurization Milk is exposed to a high temperature for a long time. This brings the temperature of the milk up so high that no natural benefits remain in the milk. The milk must be highly fortify after pasteurization so vitamins are added for consumers. Many grocery stores pasteurize their milk this way.
- Flash-pasteurization (How Morning Frehs Dairy pasteurizes their milk) Milk is exposed to a high temperature for a short time. Using steam, we bring the milk to the minimum temperature and time allowed by Colorado (165-168 degrees for 15 seconds). The reason for this is to keep the bugs in the milk that are incredibly good for your gut health. This also helps us maintain many natural vitamins and minerals that are also beneficial for everyone. We think this makes the milk taste EVEN better and that much fresher!
What is Homogenized Milk?
- Milk that has gone through the homogenization process. Homogenization breaks up fat cells (cream) evenly throughout the milk, making the consistency uniform. Nothing is added to the milk during this process.
Why do you not offer raw milk?
- The sale of raw cow milk or goats’ milk is illegal in Colorado. In order to get raw milk here, you must purchase a share of a cow. Not very many dairies allow for this anymore.
Why do you use glass bottles?
- Unlike its plastic cousin, glass bottles are a fully sustainable and recyclable resource that also provides fantastic environmental benefits like:
- Longer life cycle and lower carbon footprint.
- Each bottle is made of abundant natural raw materials AND has better food preservation capabilities.
- From each glass bottle used; we save around 30 plastic gallons!
- and of course, beverages taste better in glass bottles
How does your Bottle Deposit program work?

- What is the point of your wooden tokens?
- The token is your receipt to get your deposit back!
- I got these bottles at whole foods, sprouts, or another grocery retailer…
- Unfortunately, we can only do a trade. We are unable to refund a bottle deposit without the token and you can try to return the bottles back to the original place of purchase.
- What if I bring bottles without tokens?
- You can purchase one for one or nothing. Unfortunately, we can only give credit for the bottle deposit if they are returned with a token.
- What if I only have tokens?
- Unfortunately, the wooden tokens are worthless without bottles. We are unable to provide your original deposit unless you have both a token and empty glass bottle.
- Why do I have more tokens than bottles?
- There is a chance they were misplaced and bottles were returned without tokens. Some individuals don’t want the clutter of bottles and return them with an understanding they will not receive their deposit back.
- I brought in a 1/2 gallon bottle but would like to purchase a quart, can I do this?
- Yes! The bottle deposit covers the glass. This means you can bring in any size bottle and purchase any size bottle. *Remember to store your tokens in a safe place if you plan to return the bottles for that deposit back.
How old is your bottle washer?
- Over 80 years old! It has lived its entire life here at the dairy and we strive to keep it clean and fixed rather than replace it.
How long do you keep calves with their mother?
- Roughly 16-24 hours
- Many of our cows have been genetically selected over time to be stress-free and relaxed. By choosing these genetics we have stemmed away from cows who have strong motherly instincts, which can lead to anxiety and stress for the cow.
- Our calves receive a great deal of special attention. Calves have their own straw-bedded hutches in which they stay for the first few months of their lives to keep healthy and safe. Like human babies, calves are safer in a “play pen” setting where they can’t get lost or be stepped on. In the Winter, calves are housed in warmth until they are strong enough for their own hutch. On really cold days they wear insulated jackets to keep warm.
Do you bottle-feed calves?
- Yes, we do. We bottle-feed them until they are about 2 months old, and then we start them on a mix of feed/hay and milk, followed by grain and water set side by side.
What is Colostrum?
- Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of cows and other mammals immediately following the delivery of a newborn. This nutrient-rich milk is loaded with immune, growth and tissue repair factors. It is a complex biological fluid, which helps in newborn development. We measure each cow’s Colostrum to make sure it is high in protein and fat, and then mix the highest quality Colostrum we have for the calves. This gives them more antibodies from a variety of cows.
Do you get any male calves?
- We do. We get about 1% males or 1 in 100 calves that are born male.
What happens with the male calves and cows?
- We raise most of them to be ours, as we need a few males for any females who do not take to A.I.
Why are the calves in smaller pens? Why the straw? Why without their mother?
- Calves have their own straw-bedded hutches in which they stay for the first few months of their lives to keep healthy and safe. Like human babies, calves are safer in a “play pen” type setting where they can’t get lost or be stepped on by the larger mama cows. Also- calves go to school just like kids do, and we place them into a group with other calves their age so they can make friends and grow up close with them.
Do calves stay out in the Winter? If so- How do you keep calves warm in Winter?
- In the Winter, calves are housed in a warming stall until they are strong enough for their own hutch. Then, all calves have access to a warmed hutch layered with hay. On really cold days they get to wear insulated jackets. Calves also do well with other calves, once we know they are healthy enough. They even help keep each other warm.
What do calves eat?
- Day one- Colostrum from their mama.
- Up until 3-5 months- milk
- At 3 months we begin to introduce what they will eat for the rest of their lives: corn silage, corn flakes, alfalfa, grass, and healthy minerals and vitamins.
When do calves begin to chew their cud?
- Around 3 or 4 months when they are introduced to solid foods. At this age we also begin to socialize them with people on tours. Most of our calves are 3 months old when they are placed into the tour-viewing pens. At this age we can watch to see if they are chewing their cud and eating well. Ideally, they are very strong and healthy by this time, making it prime time to introduce them to new human friends!
How heavy are the calves when born?
- 70-80 pounds!
How old are the calves that are out for tours?
- 3ish months old or once they check all of their boxes for being healthy and strong!
Do the calves get moved around, or do they stay in their pens?
- They get moved around the farm but will usually always stay with the same group of calf friends.
Home Delivery
What cities do you deliver to for Home Delivery services?
- Bellvue, Laporte, Wellington, Fort Collins, Loveland, Campion, Berthoud, Severance, Ault, Windsor, Timnath, Greeley, Eaton, Evans, Johnstown, and Milliken.
How do I sign up?
- In five ways:
- Call us M-F between 8-4:30 at (970)482-5789
- Email us
- Sign up online at:
- Sign up for a dairy tour and learn about the farm. Signup for delivery while you are here and get a free cooler for your doorstep!
- Visit us at the Farmers Markets in town! Visit us at the Larimer Farmers Market, Fort Collins Farmers Market, Loveland Farmers Market, Wellington Farmers Market and The Winter Market! Check out dates of these markets to see when you can stop by! Simply sign up for Home Delivery at any Market
Is there an order minimum?
- NOPE! None, nada.
Is there a delivery fee?
- Yes, $2.59/ delivery. This fee covers gas and maintenance on our trucks.
What should I know about Home Delivery?
- Your milk is delivered in re-usable glass bottles
- Your milk is guaranteed fresh and all natural – free of preservatives, antibiotics or added hormones
- Having your own personal milkman is guaranteed to make you smile once a week
- $2.59 per delivery
- You can opt for delivery weekly, every other week, or as little as once per month.
- You can modify your order the day of your delivery until 9 am
- Suggested minimum delivery is one gallon of milk.
What products do you offer?
- Endless! Check out our freshly updated products list HERE! We proudly offer the farmers’ market to your door!
Can I get a free cooler for deliveries? If so, how?
- You can! Sign up for a dairy tour. IF you sign up for Home Delivery with a tour guide after you tour, we will give you a free Coleman cooler! Or choose a metal milk box to be delivered to your door on your first delivery day.
Do you have to get delivery weekly?
- NOPE! Home Delivery can be weekly, every other week, or once per month. You may even skip as you please! Leaving town for a month? No need to leave us- just skip the month you will be gone and we can deliver when you return.
How long do I have to change my order?
- Until 9 am on your set delivery day
What is the difference between a standing order, a varying standard order, and a simple order change?
- A Standing Order contains anything you want automatically delivered on your delivery day. If you get weekly delivery and know you want a half gallon of fresh milk weekly, you might want to set that as your ‘standard order’
- A varying standard order would be a set delivery for each week that changes. Every month would be the same but each week would change. For example:
- Week one- half gal of milk, qt of chocolate milk, and eggs
- Week two- half gal of OJ, Noosas, Oldeman Granola and Mary Mountain cookie dough
- Week three- Half gal milk, Gibs Bagels, Gibs Cream Cheese, and noosa Smoothies!
- Week four- Half and Half, Bacon, Spring Hill microgreens, and I’d Éclair Pastry Pack
- A simple change on your order would be for anything that you want to add for a single delivery only. For example, you want to try our Gib’s Cinnamon rolls but do not want them added to your standard order (this would be a simple order change).
- Remember- Anyone can add anything until 9 am on their given delivery day.
Do I have to have a cooler?
- Yes! Especially in the warm summer months. It is even recommended in Winter as Colorado can get really cold and no one wants exploded milk and bottles all over their patio.
What should I expect when signing up for Home Delivery service?
- All deliveries are made between 1:00PM and 9:00PM. Since the drivers deliver into evening hours, please make sure to leave your cooler/milk box in a well-lit area that is easily accessible. Please do not leave anything that is not intended for your delivery driver in your milk box; your driver will assume it is for them and will bring it back to the dairy!
- You can skip a delivery online, by email, or by calling the office at (970) 482-5789.
- To skip online, log into your customer account and click on the “Deliveries” tab. You will see a list of your four upcoming deliveries. Click “Skip Service” at the bottom of each delivery day’s order to skip that specific delivery day.
- If you want to skip several delivery days, simply click “skip” under each delivery you would like skipped. If you would like to skip a date that is more than four deliveries away, or put your account on hold for a longer period of time, please call the office.
- Auto Payment
- All new customers are required to be on autopay. Cards are charged on the 10th of each month for the previous month’s deliveries. All statements are sent out the first week of the month via email, so you’ll always know what amount you will be charged for on the 10th. If the 10th falls on the weekend, your card will be charged the next business day!
- Cold Weather/Frozen Bottles
- On extremely cold days, please make sure to bring your milk in as soon as possible. We cannot credit you for frozen, broken milk. Try putting a blanket or towel in your cooler for better insulation. If your milk does freeze, allow it to thaw in your kitchen sink and then place it in the fridge after it thaws. If your bottle does crack or break, please dispose of it. Also, with the snow and ice, please make sure to clear your walkway for your delivery driver. Your safety is important; we don’t want anyone to slip and fall!
- Hot Weather
- On warm days, make sure to bring your milk in as soon as possible. Try putting a frozen water bottle in your cooler and placing your cooler in a nice, shady spot if you cannot bring in your milk right away. Another option is having your milkman place the milk directly in a plugged-in fridge. This will work if the fridge is in your garage, and easily accessible for our delivery drivers. Call our office if you’d like to try this! If milk temperature exceeds 40 degrees, its shelf life may shorten.
- Order Changes
- You can always change or add to your order as long as you do so before 9:00AM the day of delivery. You can change your order online, by phone, or by email. If you email us or leave a voicemail, please make sure to leave your name, address, call back number and order change.
- Update Account Info
- If you need to change or update your credit card information, please do so through your online account. Once logged in, click the “My Payments” tab to change your credit card information or to set up autopay. Please call or email the office to update your delivery address, phone number or email. You cannot change these aspects through your online account.
- Special Deliveries
- Special deliveries are only offered if we are in your neighborhood. Please call the office to see if a special delivery is an option for your location. If our delivery drivers are in your area, we can make a special delivery as long as you order $10 worth of Morning Fresh Dairy products or pay a $5.00 delivery charge.
- Bottle Return
- Please rinse out your empty bottles and remove the caps before placing them on the porch or in the cooler for your delivery driver to pick up. Caps can be given to your local schools for our Caps4Cash fundraiser or thrown away. The caps are already made out of recycled material, so cannot be recycled again.
- Bottle Deposit
- At retail outlets, you may be charged an extra $2.00 for a bottle deposit. The store will give you this back when the glass bottle is returned. If you buy our milk from a retail store, please return the glass bottle to the store if you want your money back. If you receive milk through Home Delivery, please return your glass bottles through Home Delivery (in/by your milkbox). We do not charge a bottle deposit for Home Delivery service.
When will I first be charged for my delivery?
- You will be charged on your first delivery day. Following, you will be billed on the 1st of the month, then on the 10th of the month for the month prior. You may choose how to receive your bill (by mail, email, or by hand with your deliveries)
- When you are billed on the 1st, you may let us know if you see any discrepancies. We do our best to catch errors but we are only human. We appreciate your help and understanding. We will always make it right as we trust our customer’s word.
What day is my bill due?
- On the 20th of the month. If the 20th is on a weekend, your bill will be due the following business day. Accounts must be set to autopay so your card will be auto charged.
When will my delivery start if I sign up today?
- Depending on Home Delivery demand, if you give us about 24-48 hours to get your account set up and processed, it will be a quicker start to your delivery process. If you provide payment during the sign up process, it is MUCH quicker and keeps us from having to bother you for payment over the phone. Please provide payment info during sign-up to get start getting deliveries.
Can I refer a friend?
- YES! Please, please do. Customers get $25 Home Delivery credit for every friend referral. They need to make sure their friend mentions them in the notes though.
Can I get a free half gallon to try before signing up?
- Yes, let us know what you want to try.