Please read the FAQs below to learn more about our Eggnog Bottle Artwork Contest.
Who can enter?
Any and all are welcome to enter!
Is there a limit on amount of submissions?
Nope! Submit as many entries as you’d like!
What are the design constraints?
No more than 3 colors may be used, and the artwork will be sized to fit the Artwork Template provided. Please see our Past Designs to get an idea of the designs we’ve chosen in the past.
How many winners are chosen?
We choose one winner each year. Participants will be notified when a winner/s have been decided.
What is the timeframe of the contest?
We choose a winner in the summer, for the upcoming holiday season, as we have to submit the artwork to be printed on our bottles by that time.
Do I get compensated for submitting artwork or if I‘m chosen as a winner?
While we do not offer monetary compensation for artwork submissions, we do gift participants and winners something special. The purpose of this contest is to encourage creativity and provide a fun activity for our local community.