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Motive Original Cold Brew Can

Product Details

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Motive’s Original Cold Brew is a smooth and never bitter caffeinated beverage with a classic cold brew kick. The coffee beans are ethically sourced from Columbia and Mesoamerica and roasted locally here at Jackie’s Java in Fort Collins. Motive is on a mission to preserve water rights on the front range to keep local water in local ecosystems. Motive strives to preserve both the natural land and its respective water for generations to come.

“At Motive, our mission is threefold: to provide great-tasting cold brew, to preserve local watersheds and environments, and to be eco-friendly with our product packaging. Motive goes beyond coffee. We protect water sources and their ecosystems. Your purchase of Motive coffee supports the preservation of vital water resources.” Find out more at motivebeverages.com

Ingredients: Fresh Rocky Mountain Water, Coffee Beans.