Serving the front range of Colorado, including Fort Collins, Greeley, & Denver Metro area
Wholesale Expectations
How It Works
Holiday Schedule
Wholesale Expectations
Local, fresh from the farm, delicious…and easy.
Family owned and operated, our All Natural dairy has been operating in the same location since 1894. All of our milk comes from our cows right here in Bellvue, Colorado. With sustainable land use practices, top of the line cow care, and minimal processing, Morning Fresh Dairy is the right choice for your family.
Our Fresh Milk Customer Experience
- Your milk is available in re-usable glass bottles or single-use plastics
- Your milk is guaranteed fresh and all natural – free of preservatives, antibiotics or added hormones
- Your personal Wholesale delivery driver maintains your weekly delivery schedule
- You can receive a delivery based on pars, or you may place a special order 1 business day before delivery
- Delivery minimums exist per region

How It Works
Want to know more about how Wholesale delivery works?
Delivery Times
Deliveries are available Monday – Friday typically between 5AM – 2PM. Please contact our home office for availability.
Auto Payment
ACH payment is preferred. Credit cards are accepted for a fee and charged on a weekly basis.
Update Account Info
Please call the office to update any info with us.
Special Deliveries
Special deliveries may be requested on a case by case basis.
Bottle Return
If you are working with glass bottles, please rinse and store empty bottles within your delivery cooler or on your back dock or receiving area.
Any changes to orders may be coordinated with the home office at: 970-482-5789.

People are very curious about where their food comes from and have a lot of questions about our dairy farm.
Where is Morning Fresh Dairy Farm?
We are your neighbors! Our dairy has been located in the small town of Bellvue, Colorado for over 100 years. Our farm is nestled in Pleasant Valley, a narrow valley located between Rist Canyon and Poudre Canyon, just northwest of Fort Collins. Our family farm is surrounded by foothills and borders the Poudre River.
What makes Morning Fresh Dairy BETTER?
Your milk is guaranteed fresh, all natural, and free of preservatives from our herd only. We never outsource, so you know exactly where your milk is coming from. Come out for a tour and meet the cows that are producing your milk! See how your milk gets from moo to you in just 24 hours.
Where does Morning Fresh deliver?
Morning fresh dairy offers wholesale delivery service in the front range of Colorado from our dairy farm to the south end of the Denver Metro area, including Denver, Golden, Boulder, Louisville, and Greeley to name a few.
How many businesses get their milk from Morning Fresh?
Many coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries and other markets sell morning fresh milk products up and down the front range.
Morning Fresh Dairy is also the home of Noosa finest Yoghurt, a Colorado proud company
What is homogenized milk?
Homogenized milk has gone through the homogenization process. Homogenization breaks up the fat cells, or cream, evenly throughout the milk, making the consistency uniform. Nothing is added to the milk during this process.
What is cream-top milk?
Whole milk that is not homogenized. This means the cream will separate from the milk leaving a thick layer of cream on top. Simply shake your bottle before pouring. Many people prefer our non-homogenized milk because it’s even more “natural” than our homogenized milk.
What is ‘ultra-pasteurized’ milk? Does Morning Fresh do this?
Ultra-pasteurized milk (UHT) has been flash-heated with steam to 280°F and then vacuum chilled rapidly back down to 38°F. This temperature variation kills more microorganisms than regular pasteurization. Milk that is ultra-pasteurized can be packaged and stored unrefrigerated for long periods of time and have a longer shelf life. We do not do this as it changes the flavor and consistency of milk. We pasteurize our milk which involves flash heating it to 165-168°f then immediately cooling it back to 36°f.
Why does Morning Fresh add vitamins A and D to milk?
Vitamin A: We are required by law to fortify our fat-free and reduced-fat milk products with vitamin A. This is because the precursor to vitamin A is lost when fat is removed. We fortify all our milks with Vitamin A to ensure adequate nutrition. Please refer to the ingredient label (on our website or gallon containers) for details.
Vitamin D: All of our milk is fortified with vitamin D. The National Dairy of Health Office of Dietary Supplements recommends adults intake 600 IUS per day of Vitamin D, and the Vitamin D that naturally occurs in milk is simply not enough. Please refer to the ingredient label (on our website or gallon containers) for details.
How long does Morning Fresh milk last in the fridge?
Since we use no preservatives, our milk will last 7-10 days in the refrigerator.
What does Morning Fresh do to help the environment?
At Morning Fresh, we are committed to being good neighbors and stewards of our natural resources. Our family has been farming this land for over 100 years and we plan to be here for another 100 years!
We know how important and precious water is here in our home state of Colorado. We are proud of our efforts to increase efficiencies and decrease water use at the dairy. Waste water from the milk bottling plant and noosa yoghurt facility goes through our onsite waste water treatment plant daily. The solids, such as milk and yoghurt, are separated from the liquids and taken to use as compost; and the liquids are cleaned, treated, and re-used to water our fields.
Waste water from the dairy also goes through the water treatment plant on a daily basis. Manure is separated from the liquids, and is then spread on our fields as a natural, organic fertilizer. Liquids are then cleaned and treated, and used again at the dairy. All water used in the bottling plant and dairy are re-used many times to save resources.
We also use sustainable farming techniques like crop rotation and composting to improve soil fertility. Manure from the cows is spread or sprayed on the fields as fertilizer.
We use glass bottles to decrease the amount of trash that ends up in our landfills. The majority of our milk stays in Northern Colorado. We do everything we can to decrease our carbon footprint and be responsible stewards of our environment.

Holiday Schedule
We will be closed on the following holidays…
Thanksgiving Day |
Christmas Day |